Find a full or part-time personal assistant that you can trust to help with all of your daily tasks!
A personal assistant frees you from day-to-day lists. The Bees are always on hand to handle both your business and personal life. We also come equipped with fantastic vendors.
For over 7 years we have worked closely with these vendors to manage all aspects of running a home. We have electricians, plumbers, handymen, painters, dog walkers, house cleaners, movers/haulers… and the list goes on. Whatever it is that you need a helping hand with, we have you covered. All bonded, insured, and top-notch to complete our wide range of services available to our clients.
- Errands
- Calendar Management
- Travel Research, Coordination & Booking
- Manage Bills
- Event Coordination
- Waiting Services
- Project Management
- Home & Office Organization
- Reservation & Appointment Booking